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Kiln Theatre

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Two Strangers (carry a cake across New York)

Billets pour: Two Strangers (carry a cake across New York)
Dès 56,50 €

Two Strangers (carry a cake across New York)

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Ceci est une toute nouvelle offre que nous vous proposons - il est déjà possible de réserver des billets pour cette offre et les informations en français seront bientôt disponibles.

Dougal is a naive, impossibly upbeat Brit, flying to New York for his Dad’s second wedding. The Dad he’s never known. Waiting for him at the airport is Robin, the sister of the bride. She’s a native New Yorker, she’s late for work, and she doesn’t have time to stop and see the sights. Instant attraction? Definitely not. But with an extravagant wedding approaching and the city at their feet…anything could happen. A new British musical from writers Jim Barne and Kit Buchan.


Kiln Theatre

269 Kilburn High Road, Londres NW6 7JR


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+33 1 77 51 34 00 +33 1 77 51 34 00

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