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Lyric Theatre

Lyric Theatre

Lyric Theatre

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SuperYou Musical in Concert

Billets pour: SuperYou Musical in Concert
Dès 16,80 €

SuperYou Musical in Concert

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SuperYou Musical, starring Lucie Jones, is an uplifting musical, written and composed by Lourds Lane, that centers around the transformative journey of a comic book artist who discovers self-love and her own voice as her superheroine creations spring to life.

With thousands of fans on social media filming themselves singing SuperYou Musical songs from around the world, the score is a dynamic rock soundtrack that seamlessly incorporates a wide range of musical styles, including pop, hip hop, swing, blues, gospel, country, and soulful power ballads.

By delving into themes of discovering inner strength, while fostering acceptance, inclusivity, and celebrating kindness, both towards others and, crucially, oneself, SuperYou is conveyed through poignant dialogue and modern, instantly memorable music, making it a tale that feels particularly relevant and timely in today’s world.


Lyric Theatre

29 Shaftesbury Avenue Londres W1D 7ES


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+33 1 77 51 34 00 +33 1 77 51 34 00

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