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The Actors Church

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Christmas by Candlelight - Actors' Church

Billets pour: Christmas by Candlelight - Actors' Church
Dès 22,40 €

Christmas by Candlelight - Actors' Church

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Christmas by Candlelight invites you to sit back, relax and experience the most beloved festive compositions performed by a live string quartet in the heart of London’s West End. Gather with friends and family to celebrate the festive season and enjoy a serene candlelight concert in London at an iconic venue. Christmas by Candlelight is the perfect way to unwind in an intimate setting with an evening of the utmost tranquility and harmony accompanied by candlelight music. Please note: seats will be unallocated within the section you have booked for (premium, standard, onstage etc.) We recommend arriving early to ensure your party is able to sit together.


Christmas by Candlelight - Actors' Church

Bedford Street Covent Garden WC2E 9ED


Service Client

+33 1 77 51 34 00 +33 1 77 51 34 00

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